Sunday, December 19, 2010

Final Video Project

This took foreverrrrrr, to do. It literally took like a day and a half to figure out how to get it on youtube.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

There was one time recently where I had to really step up and be a leader. About a month ago, there was an event at my job. This event is solely sponsored by donations and is ran by volunteers. Parents can pay a set amount and bring their kids. We give them pizza, the can go swimming, play games, do crafts, and at the end they watch a movie and wait for their parents to come get them.

After the kids all ate, we were trying to get them to quiet down so we could line them up and take them to the pool. The kids were screaming and yelling, pushing and shoving, and none of the staff was being loud enough for the kids to hear. So, I yell. Loudly. Not in a mean voice, but in a stern, authoritative voice. The kids quiet very quickly and get into the line. I tell them they all need to be nice and quiet or they weren’t allowed to swim.

From that point on, all the other staff was coming to me with problems. This kid is crying, this one hit his brother, she spilled her juice, what should we have them do next… So I had to figure it out.

Once the night was nearly over, most of the kids fell asleep while watching the movie. When their parents came, they were so grateful that they had the night to themselves and could now put their child right to bed. The kids who were still awake raved about how much fun they had. Even though it was stressful for me, I’m glad everything went well.

I twisted my ankle and I still only got a 70.

One difficult situation I was in this semester was when I had a history exam. A few days before the exam, I was looking for the professors review paper on vista, and I couldn’t find it. I started freaking out because the next time I had her class, was when we were going to have the exam, and I need the paper so I could study all the next day.

I had no idea what I was going to do because I’m not friends with anyone in the class. To be honest, I didn’t really even know anyone’s name. the professor had said that he doesn’t check her emails on certain day and that day happened to be one of them, so I was stuck.

Finally I realized I could find out who is in the class on vista. I found one girls whose name I remember my professor saying in class several times. So I looked her up on facebook and sent her a message. Thank God she answered back right a way and showed me where exactly I could find it.

Now that I knew where the paper was, how was I going to print it? My brother has a printer in his room, but refuses to let me use it. So once again I was stuck. I called my neighbor hoping she was still up, and again, thankfully, she was. I email her my document and she prints it out for me. So, I run across the street, grab the paper, and run back home.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

R Bar, Pearl... whatever it's called

I really don’t like going out of my comfort zone, that’s why its my comfort zone… but this past weekend I went out to a club and lied about it. Now that’s not something I would normally do. I wouldn’t ordinarily be the type to go out down town, and I would always feel like I should ask and/or tell my parents. I’ve just always been the type of kid that doesn’t want to lie. My parents, for the most part, let me do what I wanted (since most of the stuff I wanted to do was reasonable). But to be honest, I didn’t want to tell them this time. I decided to just leave my comfort zone, and go for it.

I did, and I had the best time. I went with a group of friends and we danced and laughed and stayed out past like 1. For a lot of other college kids, this wouldn’t be as big a deal, but for me it is since it isn’t something I normally do. Yeah I felt sort of guilty about it later, but I had too much fun to really worry about it.

My Grades Haven't Been This Bad In Years

My grades for this semester are, not great, to say the least. Not that I wasn’t expecting to make the Dean’s list or anything, but I was hoping I did better.

I’m at school til almost 8:00 at night on Monday and Wednesday so that doesn’t leave me too much time on those days to get work done. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I leave around 2, but I have work at 5:30. Luckily I can do my school work when I’m at my job, most of the time. But for some reason, I just can’t keep up with it all.

A lot of the work is really boring and I have no interest in the subject. I guess the only thing I can do for those classes, is try to be a little more involved or interested. For the other classes, I’m not sure what I should do. I thought I was actually doing pretty well in one class, and then it turned out I wasn’t. I’ll probably talk to my professor about what I can do to improve that grade.

My goal for the rest of the semester, I think, is to just do better. I’m not sure how. I think I have to figure that out along the way.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Y :P

So, not looking forward to work at the Y on Sunday. I hate the uniform we have to wear. The shirt is this awkward Stop and Shop yellow/gold color with kaki pants. It looks so bad together. It sucks that my shift during the week is 5:30-9:30 p.m. because none of my supervisors are even there, but I have to ear it anyway. Sundays are like that too. I’m there all day, from 12-5 p.m. by myself. Why do I have to wear this ugly uniform. Or supervisors don’t have to wear it… You’d think that the people that work at the front desk, the people you see when you first walk in, would look a little nicer, ya know? But nope, our gross Stop and Shop colored shirts with our kaki pants, that’s what you get to see.

Surprisingly, a lot of the members complained about the uniforms. The were very sympathetic of it’s ugliness. The not only felt bad, but they very politely, basically said, “Those new uniforms are really ugly and are hard to even look at, why can’t you dress how you did before?” Before, we got to wear yoga pants and a t-shirt of any kind as long as there wasn’t writing on it. There wasn’t a problem with what we wore before, so why did it have to change? The new shirts don’t even have the Y logo on it…

The Y is changing its symbol and colors, so there will be shirts we can get in the future, but that won’t be fore at least another 8-9 months.

Ugh I hate these uniforms. L