Saturday, September 4, 2010

"Everytime I look for you, you're by my side. Love always shines."-gp

5 things about me:

1.They call me the “mom” of the group. I'm always the one that makes sure my friends aren't doing anything stupid. I think about the consequences of my actions, where as a lot of my friends don’t. Don’t get me wrong, I do my fair share of stupid things, but I like to take care of my friends too. Make sure that they’re safe. If someone doesn’t feel good while we’re out or something, I’m the one they go to. I have that “mom’ gene. I happen to be very nurturing.

My purse is my life. In that thing, I have water, band aids, medicine, purell, tissues… I could go on. You name it, I probably have it.
2. I absolutely love to laugh. Hanging out with my friends and laughing is one of my favorite things to do. I truly believe that the more you laugh, the longer you’ll live.

3. My family isn’t as close as I’d like it to be, but I love them regardless. I miss my sister, Mallory, she lives
in Boston for the time being, but the rest of us live here in Hamden.

4. I’m half Irish and half Italian. No disrespect to the Italian part of me, but I love being Irish . When I turn 18 in a few weeks I want to get a shamrock tattoo.

5. Photography is one of my biggest hobbies. I’m not sure how good I am at it though. I don’t really have the right equipment or much experience, but I love it.

<--(this is a pic. i took from my cell phone a few years ago at the North Haven fair)(this is a pic. my friend Jasmine took at Wintergreen Lake)-->

It’s surprisingly hard to think of just 5 things to say about myself. I don’t know what to tell unless I’m actually asked. So I guess the last thing I want to say here is this…

What’s something you want to ask me? What's something you want to know about me?

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