Saturday, September 18, 2010

"I sing just like Aretha, so respect me like I'm Caesar"-B.o.B.

The reason I waited til tonight to do the free write blog was because I had 2 things that I wanted to write about. One that happened Friday night, and the other today.

Last night I went to the We The Kings Concert. My friend Cait saved us awesome seats. We were 7th row, center. There was this band, Valencia, before them, who I don’t know, but they were good.


When We The Kings came on, the crowd went crazy. They sang a few of their songs (Secret Valentine, Check Yes Juliet, and from their new cd, She Takes Me High) and during the middle of the performance, lead singer, Travis, gave some weird story about round house kicking in your front door while holding your new pet owl and yelling at your mom. I didn’t understand it at all, but it was funny. Towards the end of the concert the crowd rushed the stage. Some kid tried to crowd surf, and that just ended badly.

(Cait and Nick^)

(Travis and Hunter fromWe The Kings>)

A couple of days ago, my boyfriend won tickets to see B.o.B. at the Hartford Colonial football game. He was the half time performer. I love football and I really like a lot of B.o.B.’s songs so I was really excited.

We had really good seats for the game too, center section behind the goal post, 5th row. My boyfriend also brought his really nice Nikon camera, so when you looked though the screen, it felt like you were on the field.
(< looks professional right?>)
 (I took these photos actually)

Seeing as how B.o.B. was the half time performer, you’d think he would be in the middle of the field… right? Isn’t that how these sort of things usually go? Well he wasn’t in the middle of the field. He was actually a lot closer. Behind where we were sitting there was a giant screen, and under that was a little stage. Had we known he was going to be on the little random stage, we would have gotten there sooner. But, either way, it was fun and B.o.B. was magic.

 (<his arm is out like that because he was singing airplanes)

(what a crowd please ^)
(^haha his facial expression makes me laugh)
(cute smile :]^)

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