Saturday, October 16, 2010

"Lee Time"

Lee is such an awesome mentor. I already know that I’m going to learn a lot from her. Having a peer mentor is great because we can go to her if we’re having issues with anything, because she’s most likely already been through it. Her being so open and honest, makes it really easy and comfortable to be around her. She’s funny and charismatic, which leaves her with a great personality. I really look forward to the time she has in class on Thursdays. Lee’s helping us understand ourselves better. She wants us to have fun and be creative, but wants us to figure out who we are in the process. College can be an even bigger struggle when you aren’t self aware.

Having a peer mentor adds a sense of comfort I think. They’re older, so they know more, and understand things in a way that we may not yet. And the fact that they’re one of our “peers” makes them easier to talk to. They aren’t so authoritative, so you kind of feel like its ok if you’re more open about things too.

Class on Thursday with Lee, or “Lee time”, as DJ calls it, is great. Lee had us do laughing exercises once, where we also had to hug and hold hands with each other. She’s not only leading us to figure out who we are, but she’s bring us together as a class. A lot of us are getting to be really good friends now, and I think Lee is partly to thank for that.

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