Saturday, October 9, 2010

What makes a good blog...?

Hmm… what makes a good blog post? Well, I think, for one, it can’t be too long. Once it gets too long I definitely loose interest in reading it. Other than that, I like when blogs have a different way of writing. Even though we talked about this in class… I like D.J.'s blog because when you read it,. It actually sounds, in your head, like its D.J. talking. He types how he speaks and I really like that. It makes reading his blog more entertaining, I also like how he CAPs his letters to show emphasis. Making words different colors from other parts of the text is always eye catching, like CAPs, too.

Another thing that makes a good blog, is pictures. In a way, I think we’re all still little kids at heart and we like looking at pictures more than just reading, so pictures keep me entertained and keep me interested to continue reading. In Lyndsay's blog, she some how got one of her pictures to move. Which I think is so cool and fun.

Links are always a good thing to put in a blog. I need to be directly told what the link is though. I don’t want to click something without knowing exactly what I’m clicking. I could click a virus and not even know. But don’t make all the links just one type. For example, don’t just link videos or just pictures. Mix it up. Some links for videos, some for pictures, maybe throw in a link to another site.

Really, what a “good blog” is, is all a matter of opinion. My opinion is different from someone else’s. This is just what makes a good blog, to me.

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